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"I use the Products since 2007, I feel great, full of vitality and I gained 15 Kg ... "

   I met Herbalife through a school friend and became a Member to could buy products with discount for my grandmother that had overweight.    

With 75 years, she was a bit reluctant about the Products, so I decided to start making the shake for breakfast to encourage and give confidence.    

She lost 25Kg and lots of volume.

As for me, at the end of the first week, I already felt differences for making the shake and over time, in combination with good eating habits and exercise, the results were even better: more energy and better disposition, I went to sleep better, My intestine started working properly and my mental acuity improved tremendously.    

I took advantage of the products and their qualities to gain some weight and it happened: I gained 15 kg.    From the use of the products to the business opportunity, the decision was enough.

I had several training sessions with the Physicians and Tops of the Company in Portugal, across Europe and, currently, Herbalife is my only source of income.


"I feel more energetic, I have the silhouette that I always wanted and a fantastic look ..."

   I met Herbalife through Pedro, when I was looking for something that could help my father to have a more balanced diet because he's diabetic. As a way to encourage my father, I also started taking the shake and a few days later I already felt the results.

Just making a shake on breakfast, the rest of the day healthy meals and some exercise, I started to sleep better and get more energy, I got thin my silhouette and lose the undesirable volume in the belt without losing the healthy look.    

I was introducing the products of external nutrition in my daily habits and everyone saw the differences in my body, in my skin, in my energy ... And here started the part of my business: the sale of products to friends and family .    

Over time, a certainty has been cemented: I want to make Herbalife a lifetime. I want to grow old with quality, I want to see time passes and know that I take care of myself as best I can. And for me, the best is Herbalife. In addition to excellent indoor and outdoor nutrition products, it offers a tailor-made business opportunity tailored to our dreams and wishes.   

And you, have you decided what certainties you want in your life?

* The references to weight management associated with Herbalife's Weight Management Program include, but are not limited, a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate fluid ingestion, nutritional supplementation when needed and appropriate rest. The results may vary from person to person.

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